I suppose I'll just have to go out of my way to have casual gay sex the next time I'm in either of those states to catch up the perversion quotient.

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This is truly horrifying. Indiana is trying to pass a similar law…feel like a lot of the conservative states are going to try to do this 😔

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The really ironic thing is that it's the relgious people who watch more porn: https://www.maxim.com/maxim-man/religious-people-watch-the-most-porn-2017-3/

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

The ruling exists for the protection of minors. There is an entire cottage industry which preys on young woman, creating sex slaves.

The Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade made perfect sense, as the courts perceived they were making the law, not interpreting it. It is not their job to take an ideological stance; that's for the people. The only practical purpose of Roe v Wade was to allow elected politicians to dodge their responsibilities.

With the ruling, states have begun the (expected) process of appealing to the demos on abortion laws. The public are speaking, and the message has more power than if it remained in the courts.

BTW, who is 'they'? I am always suspicious about a call to action which does not identify the enemy.

Your substack title is "The Science of Sex," not "The Laws of sex" or "The Morals of Sex."

I suggest you stick to science.

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